GN’s Drilling Fluid Desander and Desilter: Enhancing Drilling Operations

Drilling fluid desander and desilter are vital secondary solids control equipment used in drilling operations. GN’s innovative solutions in this area have revolutionized the efficiency and effectiveness of drilling operations globally.

**Drilling Fluid Desander:**
The drilling fluid desander, a secondary solids control device, separates solid particles from drilling fluids. It typically utilizes cyclones with diameters of 6″ or larger, with common sizes being 10″ and 12″. These cyclones efficiently remove solid particles ranging from 47-76μm in size, enhancing the quality of the drilling fluid.

**Drilling Fluid Desilter:**
The drilling fluid desilter serves as a tertiary solids control device, further refining drilling fluids by separating finer solid particles. It utilizes cyclones with diameters typically smaller than 6″, with common sizes being 5″ and 4″. These cyclones target solid particles ranging from 15-47μm in size, ensuring the drilling fluid meets required specifications.

**GN’s Contribution to the Industry:**
GN’s drilling fluid desanders and desilters are widely used in oil drilling and horizontal directional drilling applications. Our advanced technology and customizable solutions cater to the diverse needs of drilling companies worldwide, enhancing operational efficiency and minimizing environmental impact.

**Sales to African Drilling Companies:**
GN’s small-scale desanders and desilters have recently been sold to drilling companies in Africa. This expansion into the African market reflects GN’s commitment to providing high-quality solutions to a global clientele.

In conclusion, GN’s  and desilter systems play a crucial role in improving drilling operations’ efficiency and environmental sustainability. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, GN continues to lead the way in the drilling equipment industry.